A beautiful and bright new single from Bernardine just dropped and it's a freeing and radio friendly pop song that feels like a sunset on the beach.
"22" is full of colorful sounds and a warming atmosphere to go along with the artists already alluring vocals flowing throughout the song's dance undertone theme.
The single is quite a commercially viable track as you find yourself singing along while key drops and guitars keep you afloat with the song and you feel the groove deepening.
The song has a personal background and shines with an indie-pop sensibility as hooks hit non stop and the song gained its own shade of orange and purples.
THis isn;t Bernardine's first rodeo either. With releases dating back to 2014 you can really hear the evolution of her styles.
You can hear a more Americana tonality with her older material but still amazingly good and engulfing.
Bernardine's got soul and it shines with her music no matter what the genre.
She loves her craft and is in her zone when singing. If she had any walls up before, they come down when she is performing or writing I'm sure.
"22" has a feel that contends with the heavy hitters of pop and I think she is going to really impress with whatever she releases next.
The accompanying video for "22" is outstanding and sticks to that sunset beach vibe with a number of amazingly professional feeling shots going right along with the song's aesthetic damn well.
As Bernardine's music matures and changes, her heart always remains in it and this is part of what makes it so good.
With a great release like this, we wanted to sit down with Bernardine to talk shop. Continue reading
